Web Design – zauggamerica.com

By January 1, 2013December 5th, 2023Colorado Wedding, Web Design

This website brought me back to the beginning – of my web design career. I first built a website for the North American distributor of Zaugg machines back in 2005. Zaugg is a Swiss company that builds the special machine that designs winter half pipes, as well as snow blowers and a wide range of other products.

With the leaps and bounds made in the last few years both in my own experience as well as the general modern design movement and onset of HTML5, I started from scratch and re-built zauggamerica.com to be far more attractive, easy to use, SEO optimized, and provide better marketing techniques to gain sales leads.

Version 1: 2005

This was one of the very first websites I designed, and it showed. The site had relatively little content, overuse of basic design elements such as Photoshop’s bevel & emboss effect, and flash elements for photo slideshows, etc., and typical overused fonts such as Copperplate Gothic. At the time, this was pretty standard across the internet though.

Website design in Colorado

Version 2: 2007

After growing with my experience, I made a re-design relatively quickly (for a website). The new version had far more content, a service/maintenance area, less reliance on flash elements and better navigation. By good design and marketing standards, it still was far from where it should be though. The layout was very basic and designed for viewing on small screens (which was common in 2007).

Web designers in western colorado

2012: Finally up to standards

The new version now is designed to view both on a mobile device as well as large computer screens, has no flash elements but instead html5 and css3, and better content all around. I finally feel I have a website that can properly showcase Zaugg’s precision engineering.

Modern web design in aspen colorado
